The name of this organization is Alpha Xi Chapter of the Pennsylvania State Organization of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International (hereafter referred to as Alpha Xi Chapter, or the Chapter).
The purposes of the Alpha Xi Chapter are the seven Purposes of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.
A. Membership in the Alpha Xi Chapter is by invitation. A member taken into the Society becomes a member of the international Society, the state organization, and the Chapter. (International Constitution, Article III)
1. An active member is a woman who is employed as a professional educator at the time of her
election or has been retired from an educational position. An active member participates in the
activities of the Society.
2. Reserve membership is granted only to a member who is unable to participate fully in the
activities of the Chapter because of physical disability, geographic location, and/or no
Technological connection/skill. Reserve status can be granted by the president or by a majority
vote of the Chapter. A reserve member, so requesting, will be restored to active membership.
3. Collegiate membership is offered to a woman enrolled in an accredited graduate or
undergraduate educational program. She must be at least a junior and be planning to pursue a
career in education.
4. A chapter honorary member shall be a woman not eligible for active membership who has
rendered notable service to education or to women, and is elected to honorary membership in
recognition of such service.
B. A woman interested in membership completes an application and is nominated by a current chapter member. Afterwards, the members review the candidate's experience and qualifications and they vote on the nominee. If a majority vote cannot be determined by voice, a written ballot vote will be taken to elect the candidate to membership. Once she has paid her dues, she is considered a member of the chapter.
C. Induction is held at an announced meeting within a period of one year of the new member’s election.
D. Membership in the Chapter is terminated for non-payment of dues and fees, resignation, or death. The recording secretary records in the Chapter or Executive Board meeting minutes the name of any member whose membership is terminated. The record includes the reason for and date of termination.
E. The membership chairperson keeps the Chapter record of termination of membership and notifies the Chapter treasurer when a former member is reinstated.
F. Upon the termination of membership, if possible, the member’s pin should be returned to the Chapter. Returned pins may be resold to members to replace lost pins at the resale rate of half the current price of a new pin.
G. A member in good standing may transfer from the Chapter to another and vice versa upon notification to Society Headquarters.
H. A former member may be reinstated to active membership by the Chapter upon request. No vote is necessary.
I. When possible, three red or white roses bound with a gold ribbon are to be sent to the funeral home or family on the death of a chapter member by the membership chairperson.
Alpha Xi Chapter governs the conduct of its business in a manner consistent with the Constitution, the International Standing Rules, the Pennsylvania State Organization Bylaws, and the Pennsylvania State Organization Standing Rules.
A. The elected Alpha Xi Chapter officers are president, first vice-president, second vice-president, recording secretary, and corresponding secretary; the Executive Board selects the treasurer; the president appoints the parliamentarian.
B. In even numbered years, a slate of officers, with one nominee per office, is prepared by the Nominations Committee and presented to and voted on by the membership at the February meeting. Simple majority of members present will elect the officers. Installation of officers takes place at the last meeting of the year.
C. The treasurer is selected by the Executive Board and parliamentarian is appointed by the president by the end of the year preceding the biennium.
D. Officers perform duties as specified in the Constitution and the Pennsylvania State Organization Bylaws (Article VI).
1. President
In accordance with the Constitution and PA Organization Bylaws, the President sits on all
standing committees except for the Nominations Committee. The President is responsible
for the incoming officers’ installation. The President serves as a representative on the PA
State Organization executive board.
2. First Vice-President
In accordance with the Constitution and PA Organization Bylaws, the First Vice-President
serves as the chairman of the Program of Work Committee.
3. Second Vice-President
In accordance with the Constitution and PA Organization Bylaws, the Second Vice-
President serves as the chairman of the Membership Committee.
4. Recording Secretary
The Recording Secretary keeps minutes of the Executive Board and Chapter meetings and
furnishes the president with a copy of such minutes and distributes them to the membership.
5. Corresponding Secretary
The Corresponding Secretary carries on such correspondence as is delegated to her by the
President, i.e. appropriate cards for various occasions and thank you notes for program
6. Treasurer
In accordance with the Constitution and PA Organization Bylaws, the Treasurer keeps an
accurate and current membership roster. The Treasurer immediately reports any changes in
Chapter membership to the state treasurer. The Treasurer pays the chapter invoices after the
President or her designee approves them.
7. Parliamentarian
The Parliamentarian performs those duties prescribed in the Constitution, Article VI.
E. The term of each officer elected in even-numbered years extends two years or until a successor is named. No officer except the Treasurer and Parliamentarian may serve in the same office longer than two consecutive terms unless there are extenuating circumstances. Officers take office on July 1 following their election.
F. In the event that a member holding an elective or appointive position is unable to perform her duties, a successor will be named by the Chapter President.
G. Each officer is responsible for maintaining a record of her duties and materials related to her office to be passed on to her successor.
H. Neither a collegiate or honorary member may hold an elected office. She, however, may be parliamentarian.
A. Alpha Xi Chapter holds no fewer than four and no more than six meetings per year; one of these meetings may be a joint meeting with other chapters or a visit from the State President; business must be a part of at least four of these meetings.
B. A quorum consists of members present.
C. Meetings are held between the beginning of September and the end of May on varying days of the week.
D. Location of the meeting place is determined by the Program of Work Committee. Meetings may be held electronically.
E. If a member and/or guest cancels her reservation for a meeting after the deadline, she will forfeit her payment unless there are extenuating circumstances.
F. A maximum amount of $300.00 per year is to be budgeted for honoraria for non-member presenters of a program or their organizations and/or room fees. In addition, the Chapter will offer to pay for the non-member presenter’s meal.
G. If she chooses, a member may voluntarily present a program at a meeting.
A. The members of the Alpha Xi Chapter Executive Board are the elected officers of the Chapter, the Treasurer, and the Past President. The Parliamentarian is an ex-officio member, without vote.
B. The Alpha Xi Chapter Executive Board functions according to the Constitution, VII. C.
C. Duties of the Executive Board include:
1. Selecting the treasurer for the biennium.
2. Acting in matters which require immediate action and decision.
3. Recommending policies and procedures for consideration by members.
4. Establishing rules for budget development and approval for the supervision of Chapter
D. Meetings of the Executive Board
1. Meetings of the Executive Board are held at least twice annually in person or electronically.
2. A quorum is a majority of the present voting members of the Executive Board.
A. The Alpha Xi Chapter Standing Committees are:
a. Finance/Auditing Committee
b. Membership Committee
c. Nominations and Initiation Committee, chaired by the Past President
a. Program
b. Educational Excellence
1.) Professional Affairs and Personal Growth
2.) Projects
3.) U.S. Forum
4.) Visual and Performing Arts
a. Scholarship, Teacher Enrichment Grant, and World Fellowship Committee
b. Communications Committee
1.) Newsletter
3.) Website
4.) Historical Records
B. Committee Responsibilities
1. Each Standing Committee Chairperson is responsible for maintaining a record of her duties
and materials related to her position to be passed on to her successor.
2. Detailed responsibilities of the above committees and personnel follow those outlined in
the Constitution, Article VIII, and the Handbook of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society
International, latest edition.
A. The Alpha Xi Chapter publishes no less than four and no more than six newsletters a year prior to meetings.
B. The Chapter annually publishes a yearbook for members.
C. The Chapter bestows the Teacher Enrichment Grant to its recipient(s) annually.
A. The Alpha Xi Chapter may request that a chapter advisor from the state attend meetings and advise in problem solving.
B. The Chapter will notify the state president and leadership development chair when considering dissolution.
C. Final dissolution will not be considered without the passage of one calendar year.
D. The state president will ascertain that a written notice of the meeting to discuss dissolution will be sent to all members of the Chapter and will be attended by the state president or her designee. The Chapter membership will be polled by written ballot within thirty days of this meeting.
E. The approval of the Chapter Executive Board must be obtained prior to the dissolution of the chapter and be in concordance with the Bylaws of the Pennsylvania State.
F. The Chapter Executive Board must submit a written request for dissolution to the Pennsylvania State.
G. Following action by the State Executive Board, all outstanding debts of the Chapter must be paid. Any remaining funds in the chapter treasury will be sent to the state treasurer. Chapter records and initiation paraphernalia must be sent to Pennsylvania State.
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (Current Edition) govern the proceedings of the Alpha Xi Chapter in all cases not provided for in the Constitution, State Bylaws, and Standing Rules.
A. The Executive Board is to review the Chapter Standing Rules once during each biennium.
B. Individual rules may be considered at any regular business meeting.
C. These Standing rules may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) vote, provided that notice of proposed amendments are published for the members at least thirty (30) days before the proposed amendment meeting. The vote may be conducted electronically. Changes to the International Constitution and Standing Rules and the Pennsylvania Bylaws which affect these Standing Rules do not require a chapter vote.
A. The Chapter President reports the names of newly elected Chapter officers to the State President by the date specified in the latest edition of The Pennsylvania State Organization Standing Rules of the even-numbered year in which they are elected and committee chairs by the date specified by Pennsylvania State.
B. The Chapter’s forms of communication consist of no less than four newsletters per year, a yearbook, a certified website, and email communiques.
C. Chapter records and reports are retained for two biennia.
D. Materials in the treasurer’s file are retained for ten (10) years.
E. Historical records (biennium summaries) are retained as a permanent Chapter record
F. The Chapter Past President is responsible for the Alpha Xi Chapter Charter and Society induction and installation materials.
G. The outgoing president presents to the incoming president all Alpha Xi Chapter records and any other items as recommended by the Society or State Organization.
Last revised October 20, 2022
Paulette Hemmings
Melody Hannegan
The name of this organization is Alpha Xi Chapter of the Pennsylvania State Organization of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International (hereafter referred to as Alpha Xi Chapter, or the Chapter).
The purposes of the Alpha Xi Chapter are the seven Purposes of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.
A. Membership in the Alpha Xi Chapter is by invitation. A member taken into the Society becomes a member of the international Society, the state organization, and the Chapter. (International Constitution, Article III)
1. An active member is a woman who is employed as a professional educator at the time of her
election or has been retired from an educational position. An active member participates in the
activities of the Society.
2. Reserve membership is granted only to a member who is unable to participate fully in the
activities of the Chapter because of physical disability, geographic location, and/or no
Technological connection/skill. Reserve status can be granted by the president or by a majority
vote of the Chapter. A reserve member, so requesting, will be restored to active membership.
3. Collegiate membership is offered to a woman enrolled in an accredited graduate or
undergraduate educational program. She must be at least a junior and be planning to pursue a
career in education.
4. A chapter honorary member shall be a woman not eligible for active membership who has
rendered notable service to education or to women, and is elected to honorary membership in
recognition of such service.
B. A woman interested in membership completes an application and is nominated by a current chapter member. Afterwards, the members review the candidate's experience and qualifications and they vote on the nominee. If a majority vote cannot be determined by voice, a written ballot vote will be taken to elect the candidate to membership. Once she has paid her dues, she is considered a member of the chapter.
C. Induction is held at an announced meeting within a period of one year of the new member’s election.
D. Membership in the Chapter is terminated for non-payment of dues and fees, resignation, or death. The recording secretary records in the Chapter or Executive Board meeting minutes the name of any member whose membership is terminated. The record includes the reason for and date of termination.
E. The membership chairperson keeps the Chapter record of termination of membership and notifies the Chapter treasurer when a former member is reinstated.
F. Upon the termination of membership, if possible, the member’s pin should be returned to the Chapter. Returned pins may be resold to members to replace lost pins at the resale rate of half the current price of a new pin.
G. A member in good standing may transfer from the Chapter to another and vice versa upon notification to Society Headquarters.
H. A former member may be reinstated to active membership by the Chapter upon request. No vote is necessary.
I. When possible, three red or white roses bound with a gold ribbon are to be sent to the funeral home or family on the death of a chapter member by the membership chairperson.
- Finance matters are in accordance with the Constitution, International Standing Rules and the Pennsylvania State Organization Bylaws.
- The Finance Committee makes recommendations for changes in dues no later than January. All members are to be notified of those changes prior to the last meeting of the current fiscal year.
- Annual chapter dues of $27.00 for active members and $7.00 for reserve members, state organization and international dues, and fees are collected by the Chapter treasurer prior to June 15th. The state and international dues are forwarded to the Pennsylvania State Organization treasurer by June 30th of each year. On October 1, members will be dropped for nonpayment of dues and fees. A new member pays the full amount of dues when she joins the chapter prior to January 1st. If she joins after January 1st, she pays half the amount of dues for the half year and then full dues by the June 15th deadline for the next year.
- Collegiate members’ dues are the same amount as those of reserved members. When a collegiate member starts her paid career in education, she will become an active member and pay active member dues.
- An Honorary Member is not required to pay international, state or local dues.
- The Finance/Audit Committee develops an annual budget and presents it to the membership for approval no later than the first business meeting of the fiscal year. The report of the Finance/Audit Committee is submitted at the first business meeting of the fiscal year.
- The Chapter bestows a Teacher Enrichment Grant up to $250 annually to one or more outstanding female educator(s) from the region’s school districts to be used to fund a special project or program in her classroom. The funds are drawn from the Chapter’s budget and proceeds from fund-raising efforts.
- The finance committee budgets funds toward the expenses for the Chapter President to attend the State Convention, Regional Conference, and/or International Convention during her term in office. In the event that the President cannot attend the State Convention, she may allocate the funds toward the expenses of the other Chapter delegates.
- The Chapter president’s pin is presented at the time of her installation.
- If a Reserve Member is no longer able to pay her dues but has maintained membership for thirty years or more in the Chapter and has assumed leadership roles within the Chapter, the Chapter will pay her dues. The executive board will determine the member’s qualifications for this consideration.
- The Chapter pays for the meals of new members at the time of their induction and for the meals of the recipients of the Teacher Enrichment Grant, but not for any guest.
- When hosting the State President’s visit, the participating chapters share the cost of her meal, lodging and gift.
Alpha Xi Chapter governs the conduct of its business in a manner consistent with the Constitution, the International Standing Rules, the Pennsylvania State Organization Bylaws, and the Pennsylvania State Organization Standing Rules.
A. The elected Alpha Xi Chapter officers are president, first vice-president, second vice-president, recording secretary, and corresponding secretary; the Executive Board selects the treasurer; the president appoints the parliamentarian.
B. In even numbered years, a slate of officers, with one nominee per office, is prepared by the Nominations Committee and presented to and voted on by the membership at the February meeting. Simple majority of members present will elect the officers. Installation of officers takes place at the last meeting of the year.
C. The treasurer is selected by the Executive Board and parliamentarian is appointed by the president by the end of the year preceding the biennium.
D. Officers perform duties as specified in the Constitution and the Pennsylvania State Organization Bylaws (Article VI).
1. President
In accordance with the Constitution and PA Organization Bylaws, the President sits on all
standing committees except for the Nominations Committee. The President is responsible
for the incoming officers’ installation. The President serves as a representative on the PA
State Organization executive board.
2. First Vice-President
In accordance with the Constitution and PA Organization Bylaws, the First Vice-President
serves as the chairman of the Program of Work Committee.
3. Second Vice-President
In accordance with the Constitution and PA Organization Bylaws, the Second Vice-
President serves as the chairman of the Membership Committee.
4. Recording Secretary
The Recording Secretary keeps minutes of the Executive Board and Chapter meetings and
furnishes the president with a copy of such minutes and distributes them to the membership.
5. Corresponding Secretary
The Corresponding Secretary carries on such correspondence as is delegated to her by the
President, i.e. appropriate cards for various occasions and thank you notes for program
6. Treasurer
In accordance with the Constitution and PA Organization Bylaws, the Treasurer keeps an
accurate and current membership roster. The Treasurer immediately reports any changes in
Chapter membership to the state treasurer. The Treasurer pays the chapter invoices after the
President or her designee approves them.
7. Parliamentarian
The Parliamentarian performs those duties prescribed in the Constitution, Article VI.
E. The term of each officer elected in even-numbered years extends two years or until a successor is named. No officer except the Treasurer and Parliamentarian may serve in the same office longer than two consecutive terms unless there are extenuating circumstances. Officers take office on July 1 following their election.
F. In the event that a member holding an elective or appointive position is unable to perform her duties, a successor will be named by the Chapter President.
G. Each officer is responsible for maintaining a record of her duties and materials related to her office to be passed on to her successor.
H. Neither a collegiate or honorary member may hold an elected office. She, however, may be parliamentarian.
A. Alpha Xi Chapter holds no fewer than four and no more than six meetings per year; one of these meetings may be a joint meeting with other chapters or a visit from the State President; business must be a part of at least four of these meetings.
B. A quorum consists of members present.
C. Meetings are held between the beginning of September and the end of May on varying days of the week.
D. Location of the meeting place is determined by the Program of Work Committee. Meetings may be held electronically.
E. If a member and/or guest cancels her reservation for a meeting after the deadline, she will forfeit her payment unless there are extenuating circumstances.
F. A maximum amount of $300.00 per year is to be budgeted for honoraria for non-member presenters of a program or their organizations and/or room fees. In addition, the Chapter will offer to pay for the non-member presenter’s meal.
G. If she chooses, a member may voluntarily present a program at a meeting.
A. The members of the Alpha Xi Chapter Executive Board are the elected officers of the Chapter, the Treasurer, and the Past President. The Parliamentarian is an ex-officio member, without vote.
B. The Alpha Xi Chapter Executive Board functions according to the Constitution, VII. C.
C. Duties of the Executive Board include:
1. Selecting the treasurer for the biennium.
2. Acting in matters which require immediate action and decision.
3. Recommending policies and procedures for consideration by members.
4. Establishing rules for budget development and approval for the supervision of Chapter
D. Meetings of the Executive Board
1. Meetings of the Executive Board are held at least twice annually in person or electronically.
2. A quorum is a majority of the present voting members of the Executive Board.
A. The Alpha Xi Chapter Standing Committees are:
a. Finance/Auditing Committee
b. Membership Committee
c. Nominations and Initiation Committee, chaired by the Past President
a. Program
b. Educational Excellence
1.) Professional Affairs and Personal Growth
2.) Projects
3.) U.S. Forum
4.) Visual and Performing Arts
a. Scholarship, Teacher Enrichment Grant, and World Fellowship Committee
b. Communications Committee
1.) Newsletter
3.) Website
4.) Historical Records
B. Committee Responsibilities
1. Each Standing Committee Chairperson is responsible for maintaining a record of her duties
and materials related to her position to be passed on to her successor.
2. Detailed responsibilities of the above committees and personnel follow those outlined in
the Constitution, Article VIII, and the Handbook of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society
International, latest edition.
A. The Alpha Xi Chapter publishes no less than four and no more than six newsletters a year prior to meetings.
B. The Chapter annually publishes a yearbook for members.
C. The Chapter bestows the Teacher Enrichment Grant to its recipient(s) annually.
A. The Alpha Xi Chapter may request that a chapter advisor from the state attend meetings and advise in problem solving.
B. The Chapter will notify the state president and leadership development chair when considering dissolution.
C. Final dissolution will not be considered without the passage of one calendar year.
D. The state president will ascertain that a written notice of the meeting to discuss dissolution will be sent to all members of the Chapter and will be attended by the state president or her designee. The Chapter membership will be polled by written ballot within thirty days of this meeting.
E. The approval of the Chapter Executive Board must be obtained prior to the dissolution of the chapter and be in concordance with the Bylaws of the Pennsylvania State.
F. The Chapter Executive Board must submit a written request for dissolution to the Pennsylvania State.
G. Following action by the State Executive Board, all outstanding debts of the Chapter must be paid. Any remaining funds in the chapter treasury will be sent to the state treasurer. Chapter records and initiation paraphernalia must be sent to Pennsylvania State.
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (Current Edition) govern the proceedings of the Alpha Xi Chapter in all cases not provided for in the Constitution, State Bylaws, and Standing Rules.
A. The Executive Board is to review the Chapter Standing Rules once during each biennium.
B. Individual rules may be considered at any regular business meeting.
C. These Standing rules may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) vote, provided that notice of proposed amendments are published for the members at least thirty (30) days before the proposed amendment meeting. The vote may be conducted electronically. Changes to the International Constitution and Standing Rules and the Pennsylvania Bylaws which affect these Standing Rules do not require a chapter vote.
A. The Chapter President reports the names of newly elected Chapter officers to the State President by the date specified in the latest edition of The Pennsylvania State Organization Standing Rules of the even-numbered year in which they are elected and committee chairs by the date specified by Pennsylvania State.
B. The Chapter’s forms of communication consist of no less than four newsletters per year, a yearbook, a certified website, and email communiques.
C. Chapter records and reports are retained for two biennia.
D. Materials in the treasurer’s file are retained for ten (10) years.
E. Historical records (biennium summaries) are retained as a permanent Chapter record
F. The Chapter Past President is responsible for the Alpha Xi Chapter Charter and Society induction and installation materials.
G. The outgoing president presents to the incoming president all Alpha Xi Chapter records and any other items as recommended by the Society or State Organization.
Last revised October 20, 2022
Paulette Hemmings
Melody Hannegan